The retail landscape is changing all the time and now our communications strategy starts with engagement out of store, in the streets and open space where we first engage with our potential customer. This may be via an activation, which creates social media opportunities with a view to spreading the message virally which then ultimately translates into instore sales.
The key to retail communications is to attract, engage and convert a consumer about your story you want to tell. The challenge is when to communicate what and when. Our job is to deliver creative platforms which have the scope to communicate interesting and engaging product stories across all touchpoints. We dial up and down the level of visuals and technical information depending on which stage of the journey we are on.
For us the best windows are a single bold statement, a killer moment, an amazing visual, an intriguing execution, something that makes you stop and think. Even if we don’t convert a sale the consumer has had a positive thought, a provoking moment with our brand hopefully shared through word of mouth or via social to spread the word about your product and your brand.
Specifically with reebok it’s all about communicating a product story maybe about the breathability of a product, the lightness of a sole or the toughness of a fabric. We aim to deliver one single takeout for the consumer, a message they take away in an instant so they understand inherent qualities of a product.